Your electric toothbrush head is a mess. Now, I realize that I don't actually know you, but it's a safe bet anyway, because people don't change their toothbrush heads anywhere near enough, just like most people don't change their regular toothbrushes often enough.
Electric toothbrushes are pretty great, when you use them correctly. They do an excellent job of fighting the plaque and day to day gunk that comes from eating the food we do. They can save you money on dentist bills and seriously delay the onset of false teeth. All of which are great benefits, and most of which you'll lose if you don't change your toothbrush head regularly.
Basically, you need to make sure that you put a fresh toothbrush head on at least every three months, and every two months would probably be better. Go longer than this and a couple of different things start to happen, none of them good.
First, the heads just start to wear out. After the three months, the bristles will start to lose their rigidness, becoming overly flexible. This means that the bristles won't do nearly as good a job taking the gunk off your teeth as they're supposed.
The worst thing about that is that is cumulative in two ways. The first way is that if you aren't getting your teeth cleaned properly each time, the gunk starts to build up, and you get a little more nastiness on your teeth every time you brush. Secondly, the bristles themselves will continue to get softer and less effective the longer you use them, which just makes the first problem even worse.
Another problem is that the soft bristles tend to lead to you putting more and more pressure on the brush. This is bad for your teeth, leading to erosion, but it's also bad for your toothbrush. You push too hard for too long, and you will end up busting the thing, and electric toothbrushes aren't especially cheap.
The other reason to change your toothbrush heads regularly is because, well, your mouth is dirty. I mean, the whole point of brushing your teeth is to get the crud off of them. After you've done that, you probably just give your toothbrush head a quick rinse in the water. Over the course of time, bacteria and other things you don't want shoved back into your mouth will start to build up. Change your toothbrush heads regularly.